How To Outsmart Instagram New Algorithm Update 2021?

How To Outsmart Instagram New Algorithm Update 2021

Instagram always keeps on rolling out new features and updates them. You need to be aware of these changes, for instance, in a few weeks, it is going to launch a new feature of “In-App Shopping Feature, the access of which can be gained soon. These changes are common but the major update is that Instagram has rolled out the Instagram New Algorithm update which will have a huge impact on users of this platform.

It is necessary that you understand the Algorithm of Instagram 2020  as it tells the arrangement of posts, prioritizes the posts or order in which posts are scrolled. Understanding the new algorithm will help you outsmart the updated version of it.

instagram algorithm

Before you start learning the ways of dealing with the updated algorithm it is important that you understand how actually the algorithm works.

How Instagram Algorithm Works 

The working of Instagram algorithms 

  • Keeps A Watch On Your Likes

When you like a post on Instagram, you might notice that more similar posts start coming on your newsfeed. Have you ever thought about why this happens, let me tell you that all this is because of the algorithm as it tracks and makes predictions about which type of posts you prefer on the basis of what you liked.

  • Take A Look At How You Are Engaging

Instagram algorithms take into consideration how you are engaging with your followers. Hence it is important that you keep in touch with them by constantly engaging in conversation via chats or comments. Another thing can be that if you are tagged in a post-it also counts in algorithms. Overall it can be said that you need to maintain relationships when you are on Instagram, for being in trends.                                                                                                

  • Timeliness Is Important.

On Instagram, considering the time for a post is very important.according to  Instagram algorithm 2020 best time to post is during Instagram peak hours i.e when more people are engaged or online. Keep posting the posts as more the recent posts are, the ranking will be high.

Some other factors that should  be taken care of are:

  •  How frequently you  use Instagram 
  • For what time you keep on scrolling your timeline 
  • How many followers and followings are there on your account.

Just a quick thought, if you think learning about the Instagram algorithm and constantly adapting to new features is too much for you. So to keep your options open you can Know more about How To delete your Instagram account?here.

Way You Can Opt To Outsmart New Algorithm Update 


Instagram Engagement

As above we have mentioned Instagram algorithms that work by tracking the engagements of you. To beat the new algorithm of Instagram you need to engage more and more with the content on Instagram. Moreover, you need to post the content which is more likely to be seen by your followers. In case your Instagram engagement decline try to reduce it, the reason behind this is to outsmart the update. More engagements are required for which DMs, comments, putting up the stories with polls are some ways here which can be opted.

Standard Quality And Unique Posts 

Instagram posting rules 2020 sets the standards for the post you are posting. If you will post the highest or HD quality posts it will attract traffic. This generated traffic on your account will help you out in beating the algorithm. Your post should be meaningful, eye catchy, and great because only then you can get a higher ranking in followers feed. Yes, you need to post more pictures but it should be remembered that it is not too much.

Uploading The Stories 

There is also an Instagram story algorithm that shows the persons who have viewed the story in order of your interaction with that person. Keep in mind that you get involved in it frequently and not occasionally as it might create difficulty in dealing with new and updated algorithms.

Posting Videos And Going Live:

You can also post some sort of videos that might attract other followers and make them share it with others also. Video here doesn’t mean that you need to make a video of 2or3 hrs short videos are the better option on Instagram, (for instance, reels) but it should be effective enough. You can also opt for arranging live videos and connect with your followers in real-time. They will generate notifications for you.

Utilize The Potential Of Hashtags

You can use hashtags in your post, as posts will be noticed in seconds through this strategy. Using 9 hashtags are more than enough. If the number is more it might have a risk of spamming. Using and utilizing the potential of hashtags will be beneficial in tackling the 2020 updated algorithm of  Instagram. Hashtags are like authenticity for your post. Make sure you avoid using hashtags that are banned. You can also use the Instagram story hashtags for your followers.


Changes are always constant everywhere, adapting and overcoming the  Social Media Algorithm in 2020 is very important. Similar is the case of  Instagram which has recently updated its algorithm needs to be understood by its users to go viral on Instagram. Above we have mentioned how you can tackle the Instagram algorithm change. By implementing these you can enjoy this social media as well as take advantage of its latest features and algorithm.


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